

Anglers in Florida know that the redfish population has declined in recent years. And at CCA Florida, we know that something needs to be done to ensure this iconic fishery is healthy for generations to come.

Once again, we’re working with our partners to continue restocking Florida’s redfish population and you can help. In partnership with the Duke Energy Mariculture Center, more than 235,000 redfish have already been released along Florida’s West and East Coasts. For the next phase, CCA Florida and the Duke Energy Mariculture Center plan to release additional redfish ranging from 15” – 25” in size along the East Coast in summer 2023. Additionally, more redfish will be released along West Coast in late 2023 through 2024.

With your support, we can meet our financial goal, which will fund the equipment, feed and other supplies needed to support the effort. Feeding the broodstock and juveniles is a $25,000 annual cost alone! Join us and donate today.