

Water Quality

A Major Step in Florida’s Water Quality


October 10, 2018 – Today, and by an overwhelming vote, the Senate approved and has sent major water resources legislation to President Donald Trump for his approval, specifically, the America’s Water Infrastructure Act, S. 3021 (115), sometimes referred to as the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA).

In addition to other projects and Acts included, the bill would authorize a number of Army Corps of Engineers projects, including a Florida reservoir aimed at reducing toxic algae blooms on our coasts. This legislation includes a provision for funding of the reservoir included in S.B. 10 which passed the Florida legislature last year to provide relief to the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee estuaries.

Now approved by the Senate, the measure now only awaits President Trump’s signature. We’ll continue to keep our members updated on the progress of addressing our state’s water quality issues.

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